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[February 2008]


The NAW has funds to assist members in their woodturning education. Any member with a particular goal, workshop or project in mind and needing financial help, may apply for assistance from these funds (at present there are no funds for education other than woodturning, but the Committee will look at options for this in the future).


Applicants must be NAW members (individuals or clubs) in good standing and must submit a report on their experiences within six weeks of completion of the project for possible inclusion in “Creative Wood.” Grant applications must be submitted in advance of a project or event, not afterwards.


Preference will be given to those members who have not previously received a grant. Emphasis will be placed on the ability, as well as the opportunity, of the applicant to share information gained. Economic need will also be considered.


Applications must be in writing addressed to the Secretary of NAW received no later than 31 March and 30 September, and will usually be considered at the next NAW Committee meeting after the closing date. Decisions will be notified within one month of each deadline. Generally, a maximum of $2,000 is available for grants each year.


This Fund was established to honour our founding President to promote woodturning education. The first contribution for this education fund came from well-known American turner Del Stubbs, a guest demonstrator at the 1987 NAW Putaruru Seminar. Its purpose is to give financial assistance to any member of the NAW whose woodturning ability is considered by the NAW Committee to merit sponsorship for one-on-one tuition, special training, attendance at woodturning workshops, forums etc., with the ultimate objective that such sponsorship should benefit the development of the woodturning craft in New Zealand generally.

The NAW Committee administers the fund:

  • The Capital Fund as established is built up by donations, specific fund-raising and unallocated income earned by the fund each year. Accounting for the Fund is maintained within NAW general accounting and reported separately in the NAW Annual Accounts.
  • Investment of the Fund is confined to deposits with sound financial institutions and generally recognised approved trustee securities. In 2007 it was represented by a $20,000 investment with South Canterbury Finance.
  • Grants in any year may be made only from the income earned by the fund in such a year.
  • Applications for sponsorship grants may be made by any NAW individual Member. Such applications must include such information as:
    • Full name, postal and email address, telephone number, NAW membership number, and age of the applicant,
    • Brief outline of woodturning experience, including significant related achievements,
    • Amount of grant sought, the purpose for which the grant will be applied, and the reason why such support is needed,
    • The names, addresses and telephone numbers of two referees who are familiar with the work of the applicant and who may be contacted by the NAW Committee,
    • On approval of sponsorship grants, the NAW Committee may request the grantee to undertake specific educational tasks for NAW members generally, e.g. feature article in Creative Wood, demonstrations or lectures.


Limited subsidy funds are available to Clubs and Guilds which require assistance with travel expenses in bringing demonstrators from outside of the Club/Guild’s area. The subsidy helps ensure that Clubs and Guilds throughout the country have equal access to the best New Zealand demonstrators. Clubs and Guilds should not rely on this subsidy, but should seek funding assistance from their territorial local authority’s Creative Communities Funding Scheme, or grants from “pokie” and other trusts (applications should include confirmation of the success or otherwise of such preferred means of funding).


The NAW offers $500 sponsorship annually for regional events (Northland-Auckland, Waikato-Bay of Plenty, southern North Island, and northern and southern South Island) for the likes of instant gallery or table competitions or for bringing in demonstrators. The grant is not intended as a subsidy for general running expenses of events. Grant applications should be made through the NAW Committee Liaison person for each region together with a budget for the event. The sponsorship of the NAW is to be appropriately acknowledged in publicity and programmes relating to the event, and also during the event. Other funding assistance may be obtained from territorial local authority’s Creative Communities Funding Scheme, or grants from local pub charities and other trusts.